I used to be a huge fan of knock-offs. I got my first "Louis Vuitton" in seventh grade and kept on a faking year after year. It wasn't until recently that I read an article about the replica industry and how it is actually really horrible for the people in who China make them, specifically young children. I won't go into detail because this blog is supposed to be fun and fabulous but I just say that because I've made a transition in my life and realize that if you can't afford it, getting a cheap knock-off isn't the answer. You can get a bag equally as fabulous as a Balenciaga without breaking the bank. I notice people's random patterned totes and sexy leather bags more than I do a logo'd bag in a heartbeat. So these pics above and below are an example of how to embody the fabulousness of a couture with college money. Couture/College. (Sounds like a recurring theme to me) The ruffled dress is a $6, 400 vintage Giorgio Armani (found on thefrock.com) . It's sexy counterpart is $43 dress from fashionjunkee.com. It comes in a bajillion colors and is PERFECT for a hot date or night on the town. Or if you're like me, trying on in your dorm room when you're bored and wearing while you watch 30 Rock. Hey, no ones judging. So go ahead! Get that sophisticated swagger - the world is your oyster, go grab yourself a pearl!

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